Saturday, December 18, 2004

I am bugged again!

For some 2 weeks,
I did not care about work,
I had food properly,
I spent with a free hand,
Had a bath 2 times in a week,
Went home early, relatively.
But yesterday something different happened and is continuing today,
I am tensed about the initial load,
Skipped lunch yesterdays, I did not have breakfast today (had brunch instead),
Did not have a bath even though it is a Saturday.
Was in office till 1:30 in the night, came back at 8:30 in the morning.
Sitting here in the office waiting for the data transfer to happen looking at the logs....
Seems the bug which I thought I had successfully cured myself of came back, with more strength this time.
Am back on my earlier working schedule and living habits. Analysing the causes of this.
Nothing found so far...The analysis continues...

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