Sunday, July 12, 2009

Ice age 3 -3D

As 3D movies go.. this one is just OK. 3d movies thrive on getting the viewer involved, throwing things at them, surprising them.. this one had only some of that.. Maybe because this was released in its 2D version as well..
Not a great story line.. many funny moments though.. The actors did a good job.. Its amazing how emotions can be portrayed in animation.. "Peach" looked cute and lovely... so did the baby dinos..
The previews at the start of the movie were good.. The Cloudy with a chance of meatballs and Planet 51 look promising..
Movies here have ridiculously simple plot but fantastic execution.. Back home in India, we would not see such attempts.. mainly because no one will fund such initiatives.
Overall an evening well spent!

Saturday, July 11, 2009



Tuesday, July 07, 2009

H1B and me

Dont know what to do... with this high rates of visa denial all the H1B holders will be out of here.. now, is that a good thing or bad?

For the US citizens, this could be good as they are getting their jobs back.. For the foreginers (like me!) its good to go back home.. And for the foreign countries, they get some good brains back!
Anyways with no response from USCIS, I am still waiting… Don’t know for how much time more, and don’t know the result of it…

Its very unlike me to be dependent on others, don’t like the suspense.., then that’s what happens to me.. so as always.. I wait.. for that one in a thousand chance.. lets see if that happens..

I dont have good exits from onsite... one.. arrest warrant... two.. surgery... three... almost illegal immigrant... whats the fourth one going to be?