Sunday, March 20, 2005

Another weekend

What can you expect on a weekend in Mangalore? Just lots of boredom, and now-a-days lots of heat too. Fortunately some good people are around me. So this weekend though boring was not as bad as I thought.
Saturday started early morning in office and then continued sluggishly into the afternoon. Finally we signed the papers for the learners license. Nothing great in that apart from the fact that we were supposed to do that on Monday. Then some dirving lessons immediately afer that. Came back to office after lunch. But why did I come back to office. Officially for some code review, but I can tell you it was because of the AC working here ;) Had planned another round of driving lessons in the afternoon. But I could not complete the lessons as the car ran out of gas. The teacher put it on petrol, but that too finished fast. We then learnt the history of Shettys in Mangalore and Mumbai till the time some help came (This could be a topic of another blog!) Day finally finished with Dinner with Kannan and Fawdi. That was actually fun with kannan and me showing some CIVILISATION :)
Sunday was a different game altogether. Had some plans in mind at the start of the day. All completed by now. Completed some work, then had driving lessons and then went for a movie with Fawdi (cant believe I actually went for a movie with her) and then did some shopping, Got my first pair of shoes. Okay not that I was walking barefoot all these days, these are the first pair of formal shoes I got for myself. Then had some jiuce and now back in office. Plan to go to Dinner now with Kannan, Shylu an Fawdi.
In retrospect, Am just thinking.......

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